Murukku Recipe 印度姆魯古食譜
Do you know Murukku are eaten during Chinese New Year too? Why not learn this recipe and enjoy it at home when you feel like it? Recipe here!
這是一道印度小吃,印度人會在他們過年時送給親戚朋友,就像我們的新年年餅一樣,吃了也會洋溢著新年的喜悅!今年不妨做這個送給親戚朋友,相信他們也會讚不絕口! Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients A (Combined) / 材料A (混合)
225g rice flour / 粘米粉 225克 105g channa flour or dhall flour / 鷹嘴豆粉 105克 3 tbsps sesame seeds / 芝麻 3湯匙 1½ tbsp cumin “jintan manis” (slightly pounded) / 小茴香(略研磨) 1½茶匙 1 tbsp ghee / Ghee油 1湯匙 ½tsp ground black pepper / 黑胡椒粉 ½茶匙 Ingredients B / 材料B 300-350ml coconut milk / 椰漿 300-350毫升 1 tsp salt / 鹽 1茶匙 Method
1. Heat coconut milk with salt in a saucepan until it starts to bubble then quickly pour into ingredients A. Using a wooden spoon, slowly mix until a soft dough forms. You may not necessarily use up all the cocount milk.
在鍋裡把椰漿和鹽煮至起泡後迅速加入材料A混合料,用木勺慢慢攪拌成軟面團。椰漿不一定要用完。 2. Should the dough dries up halfway during pipping of murukku, add a little more coconut milk & knead. 如果在擠出面團做姆魯古的時候變幹,可以再加入少許椰漿搓一搓。 3. Pipe 7½ cm circles of murukku, starting from center onto plastic sheets. Press the tail end of dough against the side of the coil of dough. This is to prevent murukku from uncoiling when frying. 把面團放在擠袋中,在一張塑膠紙上,擠出大概7公分半的圓圈,從中間轉起,在收尾時把尾巴壓在最旁邊的圓圈邊,以防止在炸的過程中散開。 4. Heat oil over medium heat & deep fry until golden brown, turning over occasionally. 用中火熱油,把姆魯古反復炸至金黃色。
5. Drain on absorbent paper towels & leave to cool before storing in airtight containers. 把姆魯古放在吸油紙巾上吸幹油,待涼後再收入罐。 Tips
This is a soft & crunchy murukku & not the hard type of murukku.
此姆魯古吃起來酥鬆美味,不會堅硬。 |
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