



我們去住飯店的時候通常都是拿到鑰匙、進房、然後就開始享受房間內的設施以及公共區域的設施,但除了房間的基本配備,其實飯店還有很多免費的設備,只要你跟櫃台要,他們通常都會免費提供!   以下就介紹幾種飯



Hotels can actually be pretty generous if you’re brave enough to ask for the goods. Since a lot of the available items aren’t in the room itself, many people don’t even realize they’re  free. Representatives from Hilton Worldwide and Starwood Hotels and Resorts dished to Business Insider about what you should grab on your next vacay.
以下就介紹幾種飯店其實常會免費提供的配備,下次 (出國) 旅遊時如果你有需要的話可以先問問櫃台!

1. 手機充電器及轉接頭。

Phone chargers and adapters 

Oftentimes the front desk will lend out their extra cords if you made a rookie mistake and forgot yours at home.

2. 延長線。

Extension cords

If you’re traveling with a lot of electronics, don’t bother packing one yourself. Ask for one during check-in, and some hotels will have them on hand.

3. 更好的枕頭。

Better pillows

If you’re like me and can’t stand it when your pillow gets flat, see if the hotel has a ‘pillow menu.’ It sounds silly, but a lot of of places are trying it out by allowing guests to pick their preferred headrest based on levels of firmness, shapes and suitability.
如果你沒有辦法忍受太扁的枕頭,可以問問飯店有沒有「枕頭菜單」(pillow menu)。

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4. 美髮用品。

Hair tools

For women who forgot their straightener or curling iron, a lot of hotels have them stocked away.

5. 租車服務。

Car rentals

A lot of hotels have partnerships with car companies that allow guests to rent nice cars free of charge.

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6. 瑜珈墊。

Yoga mats

Feelin’ stretchy? You can rent a mat for your room at several hotels.

7. 針線組。

Sewing kits

if your favorite sweater rips right before you’re about to leave, just ask the hotel if they have an emergency kit to save the day. They most often do.

8. Kindle電子書。

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Certain hotels offer complimentary Kindle readers that can be used for free as long as you’re in the hotel.

9. 牙膏和漱口水。

Toothpaste and mouthwash

Basic toiletries can almost always be requested from hotels. You can also ask for shaving cream and floss.

10. 旅行用密封袋。

Resealable plastic travel bags

If you need to pack up your toiletries before your flight, the hotel probably has you covered.

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11. 小夜燈。


Feeling like your room’s a little haunted? Certain hotel chains will light up the dark for you if you ask.

12. 小孩的玩具。

Kid’s entertainment

Don’t bother packing up all of your kid’s toys for the trip; a lot of chains offer amenities like crayons, scavenger hunts and bath toys.

13. 桌遊。

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Board games

If your kid still isn’t entertained, or you want to have a relaxing game night, a majority of hotels also carry the classics and are available upon request.

14. 運動裝。

Workout gear

Westin Hotels partnered with New Balance to offer shoes and clothing for a measly $5 that you can borrow for your entire stay.
威士汀飯店跟New Balance有合作,花美金5元 (台幣約160元) 就能租運動鞋跟運動裝一整天。



我們去住飯店的時候通常都是拿到鑰匙、進房、然後就開始享受房間內的設施以及公共區域的設施,但除了房間的基本配備,其實飯店還有很多免費的設備,只要你跟櫃台要,他們通常都會免費提供!   以下就介紹幾種飯

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